Here you can find the changelog for this website, which I shall update whenever I merge a pull request to the main
branch, regardless of whether it introduces a front facing feature or not.
v3.7.1 - 07/08/2024
- Remove some unfinished pages
- Add patents to the publications page
v3.7.0 - 21/07/2023
- Rework how blog posts are loaded to no longer require a separate index file
- Add a custom 404 page for missing blog posts
v3.6.2 - 04/07/2023
- Add a sitemap
v3.6.1 - 31/03/2023
- Add a link to the relevant problem to the advent of code page
v3.6.0 - 24/03/2023
- Add a page to show my solutions to advent of code problems
v3.5.3 - 18/03/2023
- Upgrade backend to Python 3.11
v3.5.2 - 10/03/2023
- Added a link to the latest version of my CV to the homepage
v3.5.1 - 19/04/2022
- A script for mocking messages sent to the bot when running locally
- Lay the groundwork for scheduled bot behaviour
v3.5.0 - 18/04/2022
- Add functionality for tracking gold stars
- Add a permissive robots.txt
v3.4.0 - 18/04/2022
- Refactor out the telegram bot functionality
- Add echo and weight tracking functionality to the bot
- Add some error checking to the bot
v3.3.0 - 17/04/2022
- Scrap the previous changes
- Create a route to act as a webhook for the telegram bot
v3.2.0 - 01/11/2021
- Launch the app from a script rather than the command line
- Host a hello world telegram bot
v3.1.1 - 25/09/2021
- Refactor how the base page contents are passed to other templates
- Add Floor's STROOPWAFEL paper
v3.1.0 - 23/09/2021
- Introduced this changelog!